No-Baked Cake

Wow your kids in the lockdown, with our No-Baked Cake. No-Baked Cake? Yes. No-Baked Cake. With just #600-1000# you will achieve this cocky delight for your family.



You can thank us later. All you need are these:

  • 15 pieces of any chocolate biscuit of choice [oreos, noreos, foxx etc]
  • 200ml Milk
  • 1 Tablespoon of baking powder
  • Eggs [optional]

Prep Steps

  • Blend the biscuits to powder.
  • Pour in a bowl.
  • Add baking powder and eggs.
  • Mix thoroughly.
  • Oil your pan and pour in the mixture.
  • Bake for 20-25mins.
  • Bring pan out from oven and allow to cool.
  • Serve those expectant happy faces with tea, coffee, juice or water.
  • Last and most importantly, struggle for the last piece, run around the house and #Staysafe.


Mango Popsicles

How To Make Popsicle For Your Kids.


With two Ingredients you will be able to give your kids those treats that they’ve been craving for at the comfort of your home.


  • Mangoes or any fruit in season.
  • Yogurt


Prep Steps

Blend some mangoes and mix with yogurt and pour in popsicle molds, freeze and bring them out. If you don’t have popsicle molds, pour the smoothie/puree mix Into an ice cube tray and insert a kebab stick broken in half.

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